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en:instrx [2016/08/04 09:23]
en:instrx [2020/02/28 10:46]
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Instrx (Function) ===== 
-==== Format ==== 
-**instrx** ( //haystack_expr// , //regex_expr// )\\ 
-**instrx** ( //haystack_expr// , //regex_expr// , //start_expr// ) 
-returns //positive_integer_expr// 
-==== Description ==== 
-Check to see if the text represented by the regular expression //regex_expr// is contained in the string //haystack_expr// If it is, then this function will return the index of starting character of the first place where //needle_expr// occurs.  Otherwise, this function will return 0. 
-You may optionally specify a starting location for the search to begin //start_expr// If the start is 1 or greater the search will begin from the specified character from the start.  If the start is < 0 then the search will begin from the nth character from the end.  The search will ALWAYS look forward. 
-==== Note ==== 
-String indices begin at 1. 
-==== Example ==== 
-print instrx("HeLLo", "[Ll]o") 
-print instrx("Hello, Kitti","[Ii]",10) 
-will display 
-==== Notes ==== 
-**instrx** can be used to test if a string matches a regular expression.  In for following example the function isnumber returns true if the string passed is in for format of a floating point number and false if not.  
-function isnumber(s$) 
-   # return true if a number - false of not 
-   return instrx(s$,"^-?\d+\.?\d*$") <> 0 
-end function 
-By default the nature of regular expressions is "greedy". This behaviour can be changed using the [[regexminimal|RegexMinimal]] statement. 
-==== See Also ==== 
-{{page>en:start#String Handling&noheader}} 
-==== History ====  
-||New To Version| 
-||Added start position < 0| 
en/instrx.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)