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en:onerror [2016/08/13 12:36]
en:onerror [2020/02/28 10:46]
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-===== OnError (Statement) ===== 
-==== Format ==== 
-**onerror** [[labelprogamsyntax|label]] 
-==== Description ==== 
-Causes the [[GosubReturn|Gosub]] at [[labelprogamsyntax|label]] to be executed when a runtime error occurs.  Program control may be resumed at the next statement with a [[GosubReturn|Return]] statement in the subroutine.  Error traps are kept in a stack so that the last defined trap, that has not been removed with an [[offerror|OffError]] will be the active one. 
-You may not execute an OnError statement inside a [[Try|Try / Catch / End Try]] statement. 
-==== Example ==== 
-See example of usage on [[Errorcodes|Error Codes]] and [[ThrowError|ThrowError]] pages. 
-==== See Also ==== 
-{{page>en:start#Error Handling&noheader}} 
-==== History ====  
-|0.9.6z|New To Version| 
-||Removed the ability to use a subroutine for error trapping| 
en/onerror.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)