===== Spritedim ===== ==== Format ==== **spritedim** //n//\\ **spritedim** ( //n// ) ==== Description ==== Create //n// sprite placeholders in memory. Sprites are accessed in your program by a sprite number from 0 to n-1. ==== Example ==== # creates a sprite with number 0 clg fastgraphics spritedim 1 a$="Basic 256" Text 0,0,a$ spriteslice 0,0,0,textwidth (a$),textheight() spriteshow 0 # rotates and enlarges sprite for n=0 to 2*pi step .002 clg spriteplace 0,150,150,n,n refresh next n ==== See Also ==== {{page>en:start#Graphics - sprites&noheader}} ==== New To Version ==== 0.9.6n