===== Count (Function) ===== ==== Format ==== **count** ( [[stringexpressions|haystack_string_expression]] , [[stringexpressions|needle_string_expression]] )\\ **count** ( [[stringexpressions|haystack_string_expression]] , [[stringexpressions|needle_string_expression]] , [[booleanexpressions|boolean_expression]]) returns [[integerexpressions|integer_expression]] ==== Description ==== Return the count of the string //needle// in the string //haystack//. You may also specify an optional third value, a boolean value to specify that the search will treat upper and lower case letters the same. ==== Example ==== print count("Hello", "lo") print count("Buffalo buffalo buffalo.","BUFFALO",true) will display 1 3 ==== See Also ==== {{page>en:start#String Handling&noheader}} ==== History ==== ||New to Version|