===== Freefile (Function) ===== ==== Format ==== **freefile**\\ **freefile** ( ) returns [[integerexpressions|integer_expression]] ==== Description ==== BASIC256 allows for multiple files to be opened at a single time. The **freefile** function returns a free [[integerexpressions|open_file_number]] that you can use in your next [[Open|Open]] or [[Open|Openb]]. Once a file is closed, **freefile** will return that [[integerexpressions|open_file_number]] to the list of available file numbers and may reissue that number. ==== Example ==== # copy one binary file to another k = 0 source = freefile openb source,"file.pdf" dest = freefile openb dest,"file_copy.pdf" reset dest while not eof(source) writebyte dest, readbyte(source) k++ end while close dest close source print k + " bytes copied." ==== See Also ==== {{page>en:start#File and Serial Port Input/Output&noheader}} ==== History ==== ||New to Version|