=== Variable Operators === Most operators work with one or two expressions (integers, floating point numbers, strings, and Boolean values), but there are a few operators that work specifically with variables, arrays, and array elements. These operators will directly change the value stored in a variable. ^Variable Operators^^^^ ^Operator^Name^Example^Comments^ |=|Assign a Number to a Variable|a = 9| | | | |z = "Hola."| | | | |q$ = 9.9| | |+=|Add to a Variable|a += 7|Same as a = a + 7| | |Concatenate to a Variable|f += "."|Same as f = f + "." | |-=|Subtract from a Variable|a -= 9|Same as a = a - 9| |*=|Multiply a Variable|a *= 2|Same as a = a * 2| |/=|Divide a Variable|a /= 8|Same as a = a / 8| |%%++%%|Increment Prefix|%%++a%%|Increment (add one) the the variable and return the value after the increment. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements)| |%%++%%|Increment Suffix|%%a++%%|Return the value of the variable and then increment the variable by one for the next time it is accessed. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements)| |--|Decrement Prefix|--a|Decrement (subtract one) the variable and return the value after the decrement. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements)| |--|Decrement Suffix|a--|Return the value of the variable and then decrement the variable by one for the next time it is accessed. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements)| |[[fill|fill]]|Array Fill|a fill 99|Fills an array (that was previously [[dim|dim]]ensioned) with a single value (may be a string or numeric expression)|