{{gamesballoons.png}} Fill the sky with animated semi-transparent balloons. Requires BASIC-256 or higher.\\ Tested with version on 2016-01-12. # gamesballons.kbs by: lrcvs, UglyMike # 2013-01-07 # updated version with transparent baloons for 0-9-9.28 CLG PX = 800 PY = 700 GRAPHSIZE PX, PY BALLONS = 200 #BALLONS R = 20 # RADIO DIM P (BALLONS,7) FOR V = 0 TO BALLONS - 1 P[V,0] = PX/2 # INIT POSITION X P[V,1] = PY + (RAND * 100) + 1 # INIT POSITION Y P[V,3] = R / 20 # SPEED Y P[V,6] = RAND * 256 # Transparency value P[V,4] = rgb(RAND * 256,RAND * 256,RAND * 256, P[V,6]) # ARGB COLOR P[V,5] = R # RADIO R = R - 1 IF R = 2 THEN R = 20 P[V,2] = ((((RAND ) * 2)-1)*P[V,5])/20 #if V % 2 = 0 then P[V,2] = (((RAND ) * -1)*P[V,5])/20 #SPEED -X #if V % 2 <> 0 then P[V,2] = ((RAND )*P[V,5])/20 # SPEED +X NEXT V k=1 FASTGRAPHICS print "Press any key to stop" while key = 0 COLOR rgb(0,0,0) #::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #Options: #COLOR rgb(0,0,0) # <<< 1) With black color background , the color contrast is very greater. #COLOR rgb(255,255,255) # <<< 2) With white color background, the transparency is perfect!!!, (in some balloons you see only sticks). #COLOR rgb(50,100,255) # <<< nice blue sky #::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: RECT 0,0,PX,PY FOR N = 0 TO V - 1 if ((P[N,0] + P[N,2]) < PX) and ((P[N,0] + P[N,2]) > 0) then P[N,0] = P[N,0] + P[N,2] else P[N,2]=-P[N,2] P[N,0] = P[N,0] + P[N,2] endif P[N,1] = P[N,1] - P[N,3] COLOR P[N,4] CIRCLE P[N,0],P[N,1],P[N,5] poly {P[N,0], P[N,1]+P[N,5] ,P[N,0]+P[N,5]/4 ,P[N,1]+P[N,5]+P[N,5]/3, P[N,0]-P[N,5]/4, P[N,1]+P[N,5]+P[N,5]/3} spec= int(P[N,5]/4) color grey line P[N,0],P[N,1]+P[N,5]+P[N,5]/3,P[N,0],P[N,1] + 4*P[N,5] # <<<<<< New line! color rgb(255,255,255,P[N,6]) circle(P[N,0]-1.5*spec),(P[N,1]-1.5*spec), spec if P[N,1] < (-100) THEN P[N,1] = PY + (RAND * 100) + 1 NEXT N REFRESH end while END