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imgsave filename
imgsave filename, type
imgsave ( filename )
imgsave ( filename, type )


Save the current Graphics Output Window to an image file.
By default the image is saved as a Portable Networks Graphics (PNG) file. You may optionally specify the image type as a “BMP”, “JPG”, “JPEG”, or “PNG”.

Sometimes images will be saved with “black” filling where the screen was undrawn. This is caused by the CLG statement setting the background to the color “clear” (transparent). When the image is saved the transparency is changed to black. Change your CLG statement to the following:

color white
rect 0, 0, graphwidth, graphheight


color white
rect 0, 0, graphwidth, graphheight
for t = 0 to 100
   color rand()*256, rand()* 256, rand()*256
   rect rand()*graphwidth, rand()*graphheight,rand()*graphwidth, rand()*graphheight
next t
imgsave "testimgsave1.png"
imgsave "testimgsave2.jpg", "jpg"

See Also

New To Version

el/imgsave.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)