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Input (Statement)


input prompt, variable
input variable
input prompt, array_variable [ index ]
input array_variable [ index ]
input prompt, array_variable [ row_index, column_index ]
input array_variable [ row_index, column_index ]

input float prompt, variable
input float variable
input float prompt, array_variable [ index ]
input float array_variable [ index ]
input float prompt, array_variable [ row_index, column_index ]
input float array_variable [ row_index, column_index ]

input integer prompt, variable
input integer variable
input integer prompt, array_variableindex ]
input integer array_variable [ index ]
input integer prompt, array_variable [ row_index, column_index ]
input integer array_variable [ row_index, column_index ]

input string prompt, variable
input string variable
input string prompt, array_variable [ index ]
input string array_variable [ index ]
input string prompt, array_variable [ row_index, column_index ]
input string array_variable [ row_index, column_index ]


Waits for the user to type a line of text into the text output window. When the user hits the enter or return key, the user's input is stored in to a variable.

Using just INPUT, if the user types a valid number it will be converted and stored as either an integer or a float. If INPUT is unable to convert what is typed, iw will be saved as a string.

You may force the type conversion by specifying INPUT FLOAT, INPUT INTEGER, or INPUT STRING.

User may optionally be prompted for the input by prompt.
References to array elements may also be specified.

See Also

History INPUT FLOAT, INPUT INTEGER, INPUT STRING and made INPUT try to assign variable the correct type (integer, float, or string) based upon the user entry.
en/input.1606105881.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/22 21:31 by admin