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Maps, also known ad dictionaries in Python, are created using the Map statement. They may hold numeric or string data. Access to specific elements in a map is accomplished by using square brackets along with the string key associated with the element.

You may use the Array length [?] operator or the Length function.

Internally maps are stores in alphabetic order. You may easily loop through a map using the For Next statement.

map grades

grades['bob'] = 90
grades['mary'] = 96
grades['jimmy'] = 76

total = 0
foreach name in grades
	? name, grades[name]
	total = total + grades[name]
next name

? "the class average is", total/length(grades)

displays <code> bob 90 jimmy 76 mary 96 the class average is 87.3333333333 </code> ==== History ==== ||New to version|

en/maps.1587676939.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/23 15:22 by admin