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OpenFialDialog (Function) and SaveFileDialog (Function)


openfiledialog ( prompt, path, filter )
savefiledialog ( prompt, path, filter )

returns file_name or “” of no file was selected.


Displays a system dialog that allows a user to select an existing file (open/save) or a new file name (save). The function has three parameters: 1) a prompt message that will be displayed in the top of the dialog window, 2) the path or filename where the dialog box opens to, and 3) a string containing filters for specific file types.

If the path is the empty string '' then the current folder will be opened. Filters may be specified in the format “name (*.ext *.ext…)” if multiple filters are desired you must use two semicolons to separate them.

- Example

f = openfiledialog("",".","Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)")
print f

See Also

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en/opensavefiledialog.1591717095.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/09 09:38 by admin