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Variable Operators

Most operators work with one or two expressions (integers, floating point numbers, strings, and Boolean values), but there are a few operators that work specifically with variables, arrays, and array elements. These operators will directly change the value stored in a variable.

Variable Operators
=Assign a Number to a Variablea = 9
z = “Hola.”
q$ = 9.9
+=Add to a Variablea += 7Same as a = a + 7
+=Concatenate to a Variablef += “.”Same as f = f + “.”
-=Subtract from a Variablea -= 9Same as a = a - 9
*=Multiply a Variablea *= 2Same as a = a * 2
/=Divide a Variablea /= 8Same as a = a / 8
++Increment Prefix++aIncrement (add one) the the variable and return the value after the increment. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements) 1
++Increment Suffixa++Return the value of the variable and then increment the variable by one for the next time it is accessed. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements) 1
Decrement Prefix–aDecrement (subtract one) the the variable and return the value after the decrement. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements) 1
Decrrement Suffixa–Return the value of the variable and then decrement the variable by one for the next time it is accessed. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements) 1
en/variableoperators.1470788201.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)