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Jim's Stamp Editor

Drawing tool to create a list of x and y values to define a stamp.

# stampdraw.kbs - j.m.reneau - 2012-12-31

npoints = 4
xfactor = 10
axis = int(graphwidth / 2 / xfactor)*xfactor
pointselected = -1
pointradius = 3
dim points(npoints*2)
global points, npoints, xfactor, axis, pointselected, pointradius
points = {-5,-5,-5,5,5,5,5,-5}

print "stampdraw.kbs"
print "j.m.reneau 2012-12-31"
print "S - Show point array"
print "I,X - insert point / delete point"
print "U,D,L,R - move stamp"
print "esc - exit"

call draw()

while true
   if mouseb = 0 then call getselection()
   if mouseb = 1 and pointselected <> -1 then call moveselection()
   k = key
   if k = 27 then
   end if
   if k = asc("S") then
      for t = 0 to npoints-1
         print points[t*2] +","+points[t*2+1]+", ";
      next t
   end if
   if k = asc("I") and pointselected <> -1 then
      npoints = npoints + 1
      redim points(npoints*2)
      for t = npoints-2 to pointselected step -1
         points[(t+1)*2] = points[t*2]
         points[(t+1)*2+1] = points[t*2+1]
      next t
      print "shape has " + npoints + " points"
   end if
   if k = asc("X") and pointselected <> -1 then
      if pointselected < npoints-1 then
for t = pointselected+1 to npoints-1
         points[(t-1)*2] = points[t*2]
         points[(t-1)*2+1] = points[t*2+1]
      next t
end if
      npoints = npoints - 1
      redim points(npoints*2)
      print "shape has " + npoints + " points"
   end if
   if k = asc ("L") then
      for t = 0 to npoints-1
      next t
   end if
   if k = asc ("R") then
      for t = 0 to npoints-1
      next t
   end if
   if k = asc ("U") then
      for t = 0 to npoints-1
      next t
   end if
   if k = asc ("D") then
      for t = 0 to npoints-1
      next t
   end if
   call draw()
   pause .01
end while

function cvtmouse(m)
   m = (m-axis) / xfactor
   if m >= 0 then
      m += .5
      m -= .5
   end if
   return int(m)
end function

subroutine moveselection()
   x = cvtmouse(mousex)
   y = cvtmouse(mousey)
   if x <> points[pointselected*2] or y <> points[pointselected*2+1] then
      points[pointselected*2] = x
      points[pointselected*2+1] = y
      call draw()
   end if
end subroutine

subroutine getselection()
   pointselected = -1
   x = cvtmouse(mousex)
   y = cvtmouse(mousey)
   for t = 0 to npoints-1
      if x = points[t*2] and y = points[t*2+1] then
         pointselected = t
      end if
   next t
end subroutine

subroutine draw()
   color white
   rect 0,0,graphwidth,graphheight
   for t = 0 to 300 step xfactor
      if t = axis then
         color blue
         color grey
      end if
      line 0,t,300,t
      line t,0,t,300
   next t
   color black
   stamp axis,axis,xfactor,0,points
   for t = 0 to npoints-1
      if pointselected=t then
         color red
         color green
      end if
      circle points[t*2]*xfactor+axis, points[t*2+1]*xfactor+axis, pointradius
   next t
end subroutine
graphicsutilitiesjmrstampedit.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)