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graphicsutilitiesstampmaker [2016/01/01 22:37]
graphicsutilitiesstampmaker [2020/02/28 10:46] (current)
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 +===== Stampmaker =====
 +Generates coordenates for stamp and poly instructions
 +==== Description ====
 +It isn't easy to draw by inserting coordenates {x1,y1,x2,y2......xn,yn} . This program allows to draw, as the coordenates are generated in the test window. It is also possible to draw multiple shapes by copying from the text output window to the edit window on the previousshapes: routine.
 +# Draw a shape then copy then copy the array to your program and use it as a stamp or a poly. The shape is completed when you return to the initial point (Red)
 +# Draw a shape then copy the array and use it for Stamps
 + graphsize 800,500
 + fastgraphics
 +penwidth (2)
 + print "Shape={";
 + oldx=0
 + oldy=0
 + n=2
 + dim shape(2)
 + init= true
 + fin = false
 + clickclear
 +font "arial",15,100
 + loop:
 +gosub previousshapes
 +gosub drawgraph
 + circle mousex,mousey,3
 + color red
 + circle shape[0],shape[1],4
 + color black
 + x=floor(clickx/20-19.5)
 + y=floor(-clicky/20+12.5)
 + if n>3 and shape[n-2]=shape[0] and shape[n-1]=shape[1]then fin=true
 + # Checks for new click
 + if oldx<>clickx or oldy<>clicky then 
 + if init = true then print x+","+(-y);
 + if init = false then
 + print ","+x+","+(-y);
 + n=n+2
 + end if
 + init= false
 + redim shape(n)
 + shape[n-2]= floor(clickx/20+.5)*20
 + shape[n-1]= floor(clicky/20+.5)*20
 + end if
 + oldx=clickx
 + oldy=clicky
 + if n > 3 then call draw (ref(shape),n,fin)
 + refresh
 + clg
 + goto loop
 + subroutine draw(ref(shape),n,fin)
 + color black
 + for p = 4 to n step 2
 + line shape[p-4],shape[p-3],shape[p-2],shape[p-1]
 + next p
 + if fin = true then 
 + refresh
 + Print "}"
 + stamp 0,0,shape
 + refresh
 + print "Copy paste and run"
 + end
 + end if
 + end subroutine
 + drawgraph:
 + color black
 + for y= 0 to 480 step 20
 + for x= 0 to 800 step 20
 + circle x,y,2
 + if x/100=int(x/100) then 
 + line x,0,x,480
 + text x,0,x/20-20
 + end if
 + if y/100=int(y/100) then 
 + line 0,y+40,800,y+40
 + text 0,y+40,y/20-10
 + end if
 + next x
 + next y
 + line 0,240,800,240
 + line 400,0,400,480
 + return
 +# You can copy the shapes to here to do multiple shape compositions
 + previousshapes:
 + shapea={0,0,0,0,0,0}
 + shapeb={0,0,0,0,0,0}
 + shapec={0,0,0,0,0,0}
 + shaped={0,0,0,0,0,0}
 +color red
 +stamp 400,240,20,shapea
 +color green
 +stamp 400,240,20,shapeb
 +color yellow
 +stamp 400,240,20,shapec
 +color purple
 +stamp 400,240,20,shaped