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en:operators [2016/03/28 20:14]
en:operators [2016/08/09 18:28]
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 ===== Operators ===== ===== Operators =====
-The operators +, -, *, /, and ^ are used to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation of floating point and integer numbers. Valid operands are numeric constants and/or numeric variables.\\ 
-The operators %, \, &, |, and ~ are used to calculate modulo, integer division, bitwise and, bitwise or, and bitwise negation (not) of integer expressions.  Floating point numbers will be coverted to an integer value before calculation.\\ 
-The = operator is used both for assignment to variables, and to test for equality.  The + operator may be used to perform concatenation of any combination of string constants and string variables.  The : operator can separate multiple statements on a single line.  The ; operator suppresses the new line that is printed from a PRINT statement.  The # operator is a shortcut for the [[rem|Rem]] statement, and is interchangeable with it.\\ 
-^Arithmetic Operators^^^^ 
-|+|Addition|a + b|add two numric values (if either or both values are a string then the + operator will concatenate)| 
-|-|Subtraction|a - b|subtract two numeric values| 
-|*|Multiplication|a * b| | 
-|/|Division|a / b|Returns a decimal number of times that b goes into a.| 
-|\|Integer Division|a \ b|Returns the number of whole times that b goes into a.| 
-|%|Modulo|a % b|Returns the remainder of the integer division of a and b.| 
-|%%++%%|Increment Prefix|%%++a%%|Increment (add one) the the variable and return the value after the increment. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements)  <sup>1</sup>| 
-|%%++%%|Increment Suffix|%%a++%%|Return the value of the variable and then increment the variable by one for the next time it is accessed. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements) <sup>1</sup>| 
-|--|Decrement Prefix|--a|Decrement (subtract one) the the variable and return the value after the decrement. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements) <sup>1</sup>| 
-|--|Decrrement Suffix|a--|Return the value of the variable and then decrement the variable by one for the next time it is accessed. (may be applied ONLY to numeric variables or array elements) <sup>1</sup>| 
-^Comparison Operators^^^^ 
-|=|Equal|a = b|Returns true of two values are equal| 
-|%%<%%|Less Than|a < b| | 
-|%%>%%|Greater Than|a > b| | 
-|%%<=%%|Less Than or Equal|a %%<=%% b| | 
-|%%>=%%|Greatet Than or Equal|a >= b| | 
-|%%<>%%|Not Equal|a <> b| | 
-\\ +What is an operation and operator...
-^Logical Operators^^^^ +
-^Operator^Name^Example^Comments^ +
-|NOT|Logical Negation|NOT a| | +
-|AND|Logical Conjunction|a AND b| | +
-|OR|Logical Disjunction|a OR b| | +
-|XOR|Logical Exclusive Disjunction|a XOR b| |+
-\\ +{{page>arithmeticoperators}}
-^Bitwise Operators^^^^ +
-^Operator^Name^Example^Comments^ +
-|%%~%%|Bitwide Negation|~a| | +
-|%%&%%|Bitwise Conjunction|a & b| | +
-|%%|%%|Bitwise Disjunction|a %%|%% b|Returns the bits of integer a or integer b.|+
-Bitwise operators only work with long integer values (since in the range of −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.  Any attempt to use a number outside this range will produce, warnings, error, and/or unexpected results. +{{page>stringoperators}} 
-\\ + 
-^String Operators^^^^ +{{page>comparisonoperators}} 
-^Operator^Name^Example^Comments^ + 
-|+|Concatenation|a + b|Appends b to the end of a.|+{{page>logicaloperators}} 
 ^Order of Operations^^^ ^Order of Operations^^^
 ^Level^Operators^Category/Description^ ^Level^Operators^Category/Description^
Line 65: Line 30:
 |12|XOR|Logical Exclusive Or| |12|XOR|Logical Exclusive Or|
 \\ \\
-<sup>1</sup> new with version 
 +=== Links to Separate Pages === 
 +[[arithmeticoperators|Arithmetic Operators]] 
 +[[stringoperators|String Operators]] 
 +[[comparisonoperators|Comparison Operators]] 
 +[[logicaloperators|Boolean (Logical) Operators]] 
 +[[bitwiseoperators|Bit-wise Operators]]
en/operators.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)