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en:constants [2016/08/09 10:46]
admin created
en:constants [2020/02/28 10:46] (current)
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 +===== Constants =====
 +===Color Constants and RGB values===
 +These values are used by the [[color|Color]] statement, can be created with the [[rgb|RGB]], and are returned by the [[getbrushcolor|GetBrushColor]], [[getcolor|GetColor]], and [[pixel|pixel]] functions.
 +=== Variable and Expression Types ===
 +These constants can be used to represent the numeric values returned by the [[typeof|TypeOf]] function.
 +=== Error Codes and Constants ===
 +This is a list of runtime error code numbers returned by the [[lasterror|LastError]] function and text error messages returned by the [[Lasterrormessage|LastErrorMessage]] function.
 +=== Mouse Button Constants ===
 +These constants can be used to represent the numeric values returned by the [[clickb|Clickb]] and [[mouseb|Mouseb]] functions.  If a user has pressed more than one button the values will be added together when returned.
 +=== Image Save Type Constants ===
 +These constants can be used to tell the [[imgsave|ImgSave]] statement which format to save the graphics window into.
 +=== Operating System Type Constants ===
 +These constants can be used to represent the numeric values returned by the [[ostype|OsType]] function.
 +=== GetSlice Constants ===
 +These constants can be used to specify the action of the [[GetSlice|GetSlice]] statement.
 +=== Links to Separate Pages ===
   * [[NumericConstants|Numeric Constants]]   * [[NumericConstants|Numeric Constants]]
   * [[StringConstants|String Constants]]   * [[StringConstants|String Constants]]
 +  * [[BooleanConstants|Boolean Constants]]
 +  * [[colorconstants|Color Constants]]
 +  * [[errorcodesconstants|Error Codes and Constants]]
 +  * [[typeofconstants|Variable and Expression Types]]
 +  * [[mousebuttonconstants|Mouse Button Constants]]
 +  * [[imagetypeconstants|Image Save Type Constants]]
 +  * [[ostypeconstants|Operating System Type Constants]]
 +  * [[sliceconstants|GetSlice Constants]]
en/constants.1470761167.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)