===== Minute =====
==== Format ====
==== Description ====
Returns the current system clock's minute of the hour (0-59).
==== Example ====
# display nice date
dim months$(12)
months$ = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}
print year + "-" + months$[month] + "-" + right("0" + day, 2)
# display pretty time
h = hour
if h > 12 then
h = h - 12
ampm$ = "PM"
ampm$ = "AM"
end if
if h = 0 then h = 12
print right("0" + h, 2) + "-" + right("0" + minute, 2) + "-" + right("0" + second, 2) + " " + ampm$
Will print something like.\\
10-00-02 PM
==== See Also ====
[[day|Day]], [[hour|Hour]], [[month|Month]], [[second|Second]], [[year|Year]]
==== New To Version ====