===== Gosub ===== ==== Format ==== **gosub** //label//\\ \\ label:\\ //statement(s)//\\ **return** ==== Description ==== Jumps to the specified label. Upon encountering a [[Return|Return]] statement the program will continue at the line following the Gosub. Gosubs may call other gosubs but all variables are shared. ==== Example ==== a$ = "Hello" gosub double print a$ b = 3 gosub triple print b end double: a$ = a$ + a$ return triple: b = b * 3 return will display\\ HelloHello 9 ==== See Also ==== [[goto|Goto]], [[Return|Return]] ==== Notes ==== As of version [[goto|Goto]], [[gosubreturn|Gosub]], and labels can not be used in [[Function|Function]] and [[Subroutine|Subroutine]] definitions.