===== Begin Case / Case / End Case (Statement) ===== ==== Format ==== **begin case**\\ (tab)**case** [[booleanexpressions|boolean_expression]]\\ (tab)(tab)[[programsyntax|statement(s)]]\\ (tab)**case** [[booleanexpressions|boolean_expression]]\\ (tab)(tab)[[programsyntax|statement(s)]]\\ (tab)**else**\\ (tab)(tab)[[programsyntax|statement(s)]]\\ **end case** ==== Description ==== The **case** structure allows the programmer to create a structure to test multiple conditions. Only the first true condition is executed and all of the other conditions are skipped. If there is an optional **else** as the last condition this will be executed if no other conditions are met. ==== Example ==== for t = 1 to 10 begin case case t < 3 print t + " is less than 3" case t < 7 print t + " is less than 7 but 3 or larger" else print t + " is 7 or larger" end case next t displays: 1 is less than 3 2 is less than 3 3 is less than 7 but 3 or larger 4 is less than 7 but 3 or larger 5 is less than 7 but 3 or larger 6 is less than 7 but 3 or larger 7 is 7 or larger 8 is 7 or larger 9 is 7 or larger 10 is 7 or larger ==== See Also ==== {{page>en:start#Program Control&noheader}} ==== History ==== ||New To Version|