===== Right (Function) =====
==== Format ====
**right**( [[stringexpressions|string_expression]], [[integerexpressions|length_expression]])
returns [[stringexpressions|string_expression]]
==== Description ====
If length is greater than or equal to zero, returns a portion of the specified [[stringexpressions|string_expression]], starting from the first character on the right and continuing for [[integerexpressions|length_expression]] characters. If length is less than zero then remove [[integerexpressions|length_expression]] characters from the right of the string.
==== Example ====
print right("Hello", 2)
print right("Hello", -2)
will display
==== See Also ====
{{page>en:start#String Handling&noheader}}
==== History ====
|0.9.5b|New To Version|
||Added length < 0|