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Repeat after the computer. Longer and longer patterns of lights and sounds will test your short term memory. Choose more color slices to make the game more difficult.

Tested with version on 2016-01-12.

#CopyCat - A follow along memory game
# 2013-01-07 j.m.reneau
# requires BASIC256 or later

pies = 5
dim lightcolors(1)
lightcolors = {red, blue, green, yellow, purple, cyan, orange}
dim darkcolors(1)
darkcolors = {darkred, darkblue, darkgreen, darkyellow, darkpurple, darkcyan, darkorange}
global pies, lightcolors, darkcolors

dim game(100)

print "CopyCat"
print "See how long of a pattern you can remember.  Click on the correct pie wedge when it is your turn."

   input "How many pie slices (3-7)?", pies
until pies >=3 and pies <= 7

# generate the game
for t = 0 to game[?]-1
   game[t] = int(rand*pies)
next t

round = 0
gameon = true
while gameon
   # show the pattern
   print "Round " + round
   for t = 0 to round -1
      call showslice(100,300,game[t])
   next t
   # get the user to give it back
   print "  Play it back."
   for t = 0 to round -1
      g = getclick(3000,game[t])
      if g = -1 then
         # made a mistake - die
         gameon = false
         t = round
      end if
   next t
end while
print "You completed " + round + " rounds."

subroutine showslice(waittime, soundtime, slice)
   pause waittime/1000
   call drawgame(slice)
   call playsound(slice, soundtime)
   call drawgame(-1)
end subroutine

function getclick(timeout, slicetoclick)
   # get the click before the timeout
   start = msec
   while msec<start+timeout and mouseb = 0
      pause .01
   end while
   if msec>=start+timeout then
      call drawgame(slicetoclick)
      call playdie()
      return -1
      slice = -1
      for t = 0 to pies-1
         if pixel(mousex, mousey) = darkcolors[t] then slice = t
      next t
      if slice <> slicetoclick then
         call drawgame(slicetoclick)
         call playdie()
         return -1
         call drawgame(slice)
         call playsound(slice, 250)
         while mouseb <> 0
            pause .01
         end while
         call drawgame(-1)
         return slice
      end if
   end if
end function

subroutine playdie()
   sound 100,500
   say "you loose."
end subroutine

subroutine playsound(s, d)
   sound 200+s*50,d
end subroutine

subroutine drawgame(sliceon)
   # set slice number by passing its number (-1) nothing is on
   penwidth 1
   w = 2*pi/pies
   for t = 0 to pies-1
      if t = sliceon then
         color black,lightcolors[t]
         color black,darkcolors[t]
      end if
      pie 0,0,300,300,t*w,w
   next t
end subroutine
gamescopycat.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)