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Chord (Comando)


chord x_expr, y_expr, width_expr, height_expr, startangle_expr, widthangle_expr
chord ( x_expr, y_expr, width_expr, height_expr, startangle_expr, widthangle_expr )


Dibuja una área delimitada por un arco y una cuerda (segmento) del círculo o elipse inscrita por el rectángulo definido por x_expr, y_expr, width_expr, height_expr (valores x, y , largo y ancho)
Draws an area bounded by an arc and chord (segment) of the circle or ellipse inside the bounding rectangle defined by x_expr, y_expr, width_expr, and height_expr. The center of the circle/ellipse will be in the center of the rectangle. The angles are defined from the 12 o'clock position in a clockwise direction in radians.

Como se puede ver en el ejemplo posterior chord se puede utilizar para crear un círculo o una elipse si definimos el ancho angular como 2*pi
As seen in the example below a chord may be used to draw a filled circle or an ellipse by defining the angular width to go all the way around (2*pi).


# chord_example.kbs
# 2012-12-29 j.m.reneau
# example of chord statement added on

color black
rect 140,50,20,150
color blue
chord 0,0,300,200,radians(-60), radians(120)
chord 100,175,60,50,radians(90),radians(180)

color green
chord 200,200,25,75,0,pi*2


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2016/01/01 22:42

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