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Begin Case / Case / End Case (Statement)


begin case

  • *case boolean_expr
    case boolean_expr
    end case ==== Description ==== The case structure allows the programmer to create a structure to test multiple conditions. Only the first true condition is executed and all of the other conditions are skipped. If there is an optional else** as the last condition this will be executed if no other conditions are met.


for t = 1 to 10
   begin case
      case t < 3
         print t + " is less than 3"
      case t < 7
         print t + " is less than 7 but 3 or larger"
         print t +  " is 7 or larger"
   end case
next t


1 is less than 3
2 is less than 3
3 is less than 7 but 3 or larger
4 is less than 7 but 3 or larger
5 is less than 7 but 3 or larger
6 is less than 7 but 3 or larger
7 is 7 or larger
8 is 7 or larger
9 is 7 or larger
10 is 7 or larger

See Also

New To Version

en/case.1470674580.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/28 10:46 (external edit)